

— DINN!, BUILT & CAVE in Smart-Working —

Nationally and internationally we are witnessing the spreading of Coronavirus and all the countermeasures enacted.

DINN! and the other companies of the DINN! Group, CAVE and BUILT, have applied the required actions, following the indications of the competent government authorities, to maintain the continuity of all the operations and the correct processes for all the activities with our Clients, in Italy and abroad.

In particular, we are supporting smart working for the team, with a reduced presence at the office, limiting travels and people movement to the strict essential. We are following Italian and country specific indications, promoting conference calls and video meetings and, as usual, we are ensuring our clients complete operativity, availability and timely project deliveries.

As in every project for our Clients, we interpret the situation as a challenge in which we must use teamwork, all together, for the benefit of everyone in Italy and worldwide.

We believe in the great capabilities of our Country and in the international effort to get back to normal operativity as soon as possible. “Look wide, and even when you think you are looking wide – look wider still.” DINN!